Johnny has been with Independence Insurance since 1995. He has extensive working knowledge and is happy to help with any questions you may have!
Ken is the newest addition to the Independence Insurance team. He specializes in motor carriage insurance.
Jamey has worked with Independence Insurance since 1989.
Teresa has been with Independence Insurance for over 20 years and has extensive knowledge of many of our insurance products.
We are working on collecting some feedback from customers to share here.
When we have some references and feedback to share, we'll update this page.
If you are a current customer of ours and would like to contribute to this section, please send us a note! Feel free to send us a message on Facebook or via email. We greatly appreciate your support and comments.
Independence Insurance, Inc.
7000 Houston Road #26
Florence, KY 41042
E-mail address:
[email protected]
Available 9:00am - 5:00pm, Mon-Fri